Microsoft .NETExpose localhost as a public URL and debug using ngrokngrok is an awesome open-source tool that will expose your local port as a public URL through SSL…Sri GunnalaOctober 08, 2019 2 min
Microsoft .NETDemystifying ASP.NET Core Blazor — Core Concepts and Its FutureWhat is Blazor Blazor is Microsoft’s latest web framework for building interactive client-side web…Sri GunnalaOctober 08, 2019 4 min
Microsoft .NETBuild your first Alexa skill with Alexa.NET and Azure FunctionsI had a chance to play with the Amazon Echo device and I was impressed by the quality of the voice…Sri GunnalaOctober 08, 2019 2 min
Microsoft .NET.NET Core Worker Service as Windows Service or Linux DaemonsA new type of application template called “Worker Service” was introduced in .NET Core 3 (still in…Sri GunnalaSeptember 20, 2019 2 min
Microsoft .NETBuild your first Blazor app(not EXPERIMENTAL anymore)Using Blazor, you can build two types of apps. Server-side Blazor runs on the server via SignalR…Sri GunnalaAugust 30, 2019 1 min
Microsoft .NETGeneric wrapper to consume RESTful API in C#If the need is to make REST API calls frequently in a C# .NET project, I would prefer having a…Sri GunnalaAugust 30, 2019 1 min