Understanding how the logs and logging work in the Azure cloud environment is very critical for Troubleshooting any issues. We need to configure Azure resources properly so they can emit the logs during execution.
This Blog will help you understand the basics of Azure Log Analytics Workspace and how to configure a logic app to use Azure Log Analytics workspace, so it can emit the logs during execution.
Log Analytic workspace is an environment for Azure Monitor to log data. It is like a repository, a repository for all your logs.
Based on your requirement, you can use a single workspace for all your data collection, or you may create multiple workspaces. Each workspace has its own data repository and configurations. Each workspace contains multiple tables and each table is defined by a unique set of columns
On the left-hand side, you can see the data sources. These are nothing but Azure services that will be ingesting the data during execution. For example, a logic app. While execution, it can ingest the logs into the log analytic workspace. We will see this in the demo
On the right-hand side, we have a log query - These are queries we write to retrieve the log data.
The log data can be retrieved using log queries and fed to other services for example dashboard and log alerts. We can identify the service behavior using log data and trigger alerts.
Different Azure resources emit the log data into different tables of log analytics workspace. The below diagram gives you a glimpse of it.
For a step by step demo of how to create and configure Azure Log Analytic Workspace, watch the Video
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